Meet Your Target Audience Where They Are

Ensure best demographic fit for the brand, and a better understanding of the audience you are reaching.

View commonly used census data for all of your execution venues from within MainEvent, or add 300+ census data points to any report with a location, with the MainEvent Census Module.

So what is so Census-ational about this Module?

It’s all about the analysis - The U.S. Census Bureau divides the country into successively smaller groupings: states, counties, tracts, and blocks. Roughly speaking, a tract can be thought of like a large neighborhood, typically between 2,500 and 8,000 people, while a block is more like a city block. Tract data is generally best for marketers because it gives an overview of a whole neighborhood.

Screenshot showing Census tract data in MainEvent.

Prior to starting a campaign, the data can be used to determine the best locations to visit, helping you target your audience, or by helping you to identify factors in your audience that affected event success.

Screenshot showing Census demographics, education, and ethnicity data in MainEvent.

For example, if your brand is interested in targeting women between the ages of 20 and 39 with a median household income level under $100,000 a year, within certain states, cities, or zip codes, you can filter data to see a list of venues in areas that fit that exact profile.

Incorporating census data into field marketing strategies can lead to more precise targeting, improved customer engagement, and ultimately allow customers to better spend their budgets on the exact audiences they are seeking.

Book a demo today to see the new Census Module in action.

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